Principal's Welcome

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to St. Patrick’s Junior School, Skerries. Our school, which was built in 1978, was originally known as St. Patrick’s Girls’ School but in 1984 it became a co-educational Junior School.

There are approximately 330 children on the roll. Our staff consists of the principal, 17 teachers, 7 SNAs, a school secretary and a caretaker. We have 13 classrooms, a hall and 5 Additional Needs Rooms including a Calm Room. We currently cater for 3 classes at each level with 4 classes in Senior Infants this year. 

St. Patrick’s Junior School is a Catholic school named after St. Patrick who has been linked historically to the Skerries area. The parish church and indeed a local island off the coast are also named in his honour. In our school, teachers, parents, priests and others work together for the benefit of all our children. Our school has embraced the Droichead process in mentoring Newly Qualified Teachers and is actively involved in promoting the Continuous Professional Development of all members of staff.

Our school currently has nine Green Flag awards and we will be starting work towards our 10th award during this school year. We have received the Amber Flag award for the promotion of mental health and wellbeing for all in the school through the creation of a healthy, inclusive environment. We are aware of the importance of physical activity for physical and mental health and incorporate movement and activity throughout the school day. First and Second Classes currently benefit from group violin lessons weekly throughout the school year due to the presence of our Fingal Co. Co. Musician in Residence again this year, partly funded by the Board of Management.

Our staff is highly professional and dedicated to the full development of each child. Parents are actively involved in the Board of Management. The Parents’ Association has a comprehensive annual programme of events run by the committee, aided by parent volunteers. We have energetic and enthusiastic teachers who pride themselves on their commitment and willingness to not only educate but to also nurture the development of each pupil.

As Principal, I am fortunate to work in such a happy and close-knit school community of staff, parents and children.

I know we will all continue to work together for the benefit of the children and the greater community.

Máire Ní Chróinín

School Calendar
March 2025