Green School

St. Patrick’s JNS is very proud to have been awarded eight Green Flags. We are working towards our eighth Green Flag.

Our 1st flag was awarded for our ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ approach to reducing Litter and Waste. Our 2nd flag was awarded for our Low Energy campaign and our 3rd was awarded for our Water Conservation campaign.

Our 4th Green Flag was awarded for Travel. We successfully increased the number of pupils walking, cycling, scooting, car pooling and parking and striding to school. Promoting sustainable travel modes in the school also helps to improve pupils’ safety, health and fitness. Our 5th Green Flag was awarded for Biodiversity. Our pupils learned a lot about plant and animal habitats in the local area and in the wider world. We have successfully incubated chicks in our classrooms for the last few years.

Our 6th Green Flag was awarded for Global Citizenship: Litter & Waste. This flag emphasises the importance to all of us who live on planet earth of reducing, reusing and recycling materials. It also encouraged our pupils to respect and learn about people from other countries and cultures. Our 7th Green Flag was awarded for Global Citizenship: Low Energy. This campaign gave us a chance to revise the ‘Energy’ theme while looking at issues surrounding energy on a global scale. The most obvious global link to this theme is of course climate change, the most serious environmental problem of our time, which is intrinsically linked to our energy use.

We have just been awarded our 8th Green Flag for our work on Global Citizenship: Marine Environment. This theme helped us to discover how our Green Schools work has positively influenced environments worldwide while learning about the effects of pollution on our oceans and seas. We had a talk from a DIT science lecturer on microplastics, a 3-day plastic collection and numerous competitions for this flag. Please visit our Instagram page to see more examples of the work we are doing @stpatsjnsgreenschool.

We are very proud of our Green School status, especially as we are currently the only junior school in Fingal with eight Green Flags. These flags have been earned by the hard work of our pupils, sustained and supported by teachers, the Green School committee and our parent body representing an approach to life that we in St. Patrick’s have taken for many years. The core of this approach is respect; for ourselves, for each other and for the environment. With your help we will continue to reap the rewards of that approach.

Our Motto: “Be Cool!  Walk, Scoot or Carpool to School!”


Towards a Paperless School

As part of our efforts to minimise our impact on the environment we use email and texts where possible to communicate with parents, rather than sending paper notes home. For this reason it is vital that we always have an up-to-date email address and phone numbers where you can receive notifications from school. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure these contact details are always up to date.

School Calendar
September 2024

Follow our Green School page on Instagram @stpatsjnsgreenschool for regular updates.