
St. Patrick’s Junior School is a Catholic Co-Educational Primary School catering for the formal educational needs of children from Junior Infants to Second Class. There are four Junior Infant classes and three classes in each of the other year groups with 284 pupils approximately on roll.

We have a staff of 17 teachers, 11 SNAs, a secretary and a caretaker.

Board of Management

The Board of Management is responsible for the running of the school. The school is a Catholic school and is under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin.

A new Board of Management is elected every four years. The election generally takes place in late September and the Board takes up office in November. The Patron appoints the Chairperson and one other member to serve on the Board. Two parent nominees are elected from the general body of parents. One teacher nominee is elected from the teaching staff. The Principal of the school is automatically on the Board.

These six members meet and choose two people from the community to make up the entire Board. The Board is then responsible for the running of the school for the term of office following regulations laid down by the Department of Education & Skills.

The responsibilities of the Board include the appointment of staff, the upkeep and maintenance of the school, the implementation of school policies and the provision of adequate facilities for both pupils and staff.

The 2023-2027 Board comprises of:

Patron’s Nominee & Chairperson:            Fr. Melvyn Mullins

Patron’s Nominee                                         Ronnie Griffin

Parents’ Nominee                                         Brian Corrigan

Parents’ Nominee                                         Niamh Rouse

Community Nominee                                  Orlagh Bowers

Community Nominee                                  Olivia Ferguson

Teacher Nominee                                         Deirdre O’Donovan

Principal                                                         Máire Ní Chróinín

School Curriculum

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, or the NCCA, sets the Primary Curriculum which must be followed in all Irish Primary Schools. The last complete revision of all curriculum subjects was in 1999.

The NCCE is currently reviewing the Primary School Curriculum. To date it has revised the Primary Language Curriculum (Gaeilge & English) and the Primary Maths Curriculum. It has also published the Primary Curriculum Framework, detailing:

Principles of Learning, Teaching, and Assessment

Key Competencies

Curriculum Areas and Subjects

Learning, Teaching, and Assessment

Time Allocations

Transitions and Continuity in Children’s Learning

Inclusive Education and Diversity

The School Timetable

The hours are as follows:

As supervision is not provided, the Board of Management cannot accept any responsibility for children arriving before official opening time (8:50am) or remaining on the school grounds (unsupervised) after official closing time.

School Opens8:50am
Structured Learning Activities8:50am
Formal Teaching Begins:9:10am
Lunch Time:12:00pm
Classes Resume:12:30pm
Junior and Senior Infants dismissed :1:30pm
1st and 2nd Classes dismissed :2:30pm

School Uniform

Uniform: Bottle green pinafore or grey trousers, cream or grey shirt, bottle green cardigan or jumper, striped green/cream tie. Flat shoes or boots.

P.E. Uniform: School tracksuit, runners. To be worn on PE days only or as otherwise directed by teachers.

Summer Uniform: Pinafore or school tracksuit shorts; white polo shirt. Flat sandals or shoes. To be worn in June (weather permitting).

Parent/Teacher Communication

The healthiest environment for a child is one of open and easy communication between parents and teachers. In accordance with our Parent Teacher Communication Policy, parents should make an appointment with the school secretary at a convenient time with the teacher, mentioning the nature of the discussion they wish to have. This allows your child’s teacher to have the relevant information to hand when meeting so as to better address your query/concern.

Parental Help

The children and school can benefit greatly from parental involvement. If you have any time and/or skills to contribute then please speak with the Parents’ Association, the school office or your child’s teacher. All offers of help are welcome and there are many areas you can assist us with in supporting the children’s learning.


School Calendar
February 2025