School Rules

  1. All pupils and parents are expected to follow the Code of Behaviour,  which  parents sign on enrolment, in its entirety. These rules are explained to the children in an age appropriate way, using our DFL motto: “kind hands, kind words, kind actions”.
  2. Children may only leave the school during school hours if collected by a parent or legal guardian. If the child is to be collected by any person other than a parent or legal guardian a written request must be submitted, naming the person who will collect the child.
  3. All members of the school community (staff, pupils & parents) must be treated with respect.
  4. All property within the school must be treated with respect.
  5. All forms of aggressive, threatening or violent play/behaviour are forbidden.
  6. No bad language is allowed.
  7. School uniform and school tracksuit must be worn on appropriate days.
  8. No running allowed on the premises.
  9. The school’s healthy lunch policy must be followed.

Code of Behaviour

In devising the policy, consideration has been given to the particular needs and circumstances of this school. The aim is to create an ordered and orderly environment in which pupils can, through developing self-discipline, feel secure and make progress in all aspects of their development. Every effort will be made by all members of staff to adopt a positive approach to the question of behaviour in the school. Positive behaviour is rewarded and encouraged by the use of a star book system.

It is important that parents read, understand and sign the supplied Code of Behaviour document at enrolment.

Anti-Bullying Policy and Code

Our Anti-Bullying Policy is in line with the policy published by the Department of Education & Skills.

Our school’s Anti-Bullying Code is displayed in each classroom. Junior and Senior Infants focus on item numbers 1-3. First and Second Classes focus on item numbers 1-5.

  1. Be kind to everyone.
  2. Play together and stay together.
  3. Friends mind each other
  4. We call repeated unkind actions or words bullying –


  1. Tell someone you trust if you are bullied. Keep telling until someone helps you.

This is a “Telling” school.

School Calendar
February 2025